尋找浪漫寧靜一刻──德國古典小鎮之旅(Chinese Version)聳立在克尼希斯施圖爾山上的海德堡城堡(Schloss Heidelberg)和舊城區的老橋是這城市的標誌。聞名遐邇的‘學生之吻’(Student Kiss)巧克力餡餅可在哈斯佩爾巷(Haspelgasse)的咖啡店買到。百多年以來,海德堡的年青人就是用這種巧克力餡餅作為傳遞愛意的工具… More
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感受昔日同盟輝煌──北德漢薩之旅(Chinese Version)到訪過漢堡和不萊梅這兩座漢薩同盟城,怎能不到漢薩同盟的盟主城──有‘漢薩女王’美譽的呂貝克(Lubeck)一遊?其四面環水的橢圓形舊城(Altstadt)已有逾千年歷史,城內中世紀哥德式磚結構建築,向旅客們訴說著這座‘漢薩女王’的輝煌歷史… More
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漫遊歷史名城──德國世界遺產之旅(Chinese Version)離柏林不遠的歷史名城波茨坦(Potsdam)以1990年成為聯合國世界遺產的無憂宮(Schloss Sanssouci)為城市象徵。無憂宮是弗裡德裡希大帝(Friedrich der Grose)的夏宮,堪稱德國洛可可(Rococo)式建築的代表作… More
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走進巴伐利亞童話王國──德國城堡湖泊之旅 (Chinese Version)不要忘了到新天鵝堡(Schloss Neuschwanstein)和霍恩施望高城堡(Schloss Hohenschwangau,又稱舊天鵝堡)這兩座世界著名的王宮遊覽。這兩座以阿爾卑斯山脈為背景,以湖泊和森林為伴,猶如王冠一樣在山上矗立… More
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Bohol GetawayAround 30 minutes drive away from Cebu Airport, we had arrived Cebu Pier to Bohol. The ferry service, Supercat in Pier 4, was highly recommended for its services qualities, pier and ships managements. It was a good bargain for around PH$ 650 for round trip ferry fare between Cebu and Bohol… More
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Great Barrier Reef, Where Your Diving Companions are UnforgettableFew natural wonders command such attention as the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s greatest coral reef system. Those who see it never forget it. Here, after all, is a spectacle so vast that it can be seen from the moon… More
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Queensland, Where You’ll Always be Intrigued…Queensland has 13 regions for you to explore, each offering something unique and distinctive. There are literally hundreds of cities and towns for you to visit, ranging from towns with a population of two to cities of more than a million and loads in between… More
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Multiple Meanings of Luxury – Four Seasons Resort Chiang MaiThe Four Seasons Resort lies quietly in the side of the forest, facing the primitive rice terrace. It merges in the natural environment. This concealed inner beauty makes a great contradiction with the Goddess of Starlight’s very opulence … More
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Multiple Meanings of Luxury – Mandarin Oriental Dhara DheviThe name ‘Dhara Dhevi’ means ‘the goddess of starlight’ that represents classic beauty of romance and mystery. Every single detail of this Mandarin Oriental lives for worshiping the lavishness of the best … More
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Multiple Meanings of Luxury – The ChediOnly a few minutes walk away from the vivid Chiang Mai night market, the Chedi is in the city center near Mae Ping River. It was the embassy of United Kingdom, the busiest street of Chiang Mai a century ago … More |